
to museum gugging’s press area for journalists, bloggers, and editors. Here you will find information about our exhibitions and events along with image material in print quality. When you have questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us.

Please note that the images can only be reproduced to illustrate an article or feature reviewing or reporting on the exhibition stated.

To get current press information, please send an E-Mail with your name, name of your media, preferred language and E-Mail-Adress to: presse@museumgugging.at

contact: Florian Müller
Am Campus 2
3400 Maria Gugging
T: +43 664 60 499 911

gugging goes venedig.! Leopold Strobl invited to Biennale Arte 2024
Get text and images here

current exhibitions:
gugging.! classic & contemporary UPDATE (3.2.2024-1.3.2026)
Get text and images here.

preview fantastic places.! walla | strobl | vondal | fink (12.9.2024 to 16.3.2025)
Get text and images here

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