brut favorites.! feilacher's choice

30.9.22 – 5.3.23
Louis Soutter, Head of a Man (recto), 1930–1942, Galerie Karsten Greve, St. Moritz Paris Köln, photocredits: Courtesy of Galerie Karsten Greve Köln Paris St. Moritz, photo: Sasa Fuis
Louis Soutter, Head of a Man (recto), 1930–1942 © Werk/Work, Foto/Photo: © Courtesy of Galerie Karsten Greve Köln Paris St. Moritz, Foto / photo: Sasa Fuis

opening: 29 Septembre 2022, 7:00 pm

The Art Brut masterpieces from Gugging shown in Johann Feilacher’s final exhibition as Artistic Director of museum gugging open a window onto the world of international art.
Apparent incongruities invite discussion about art historical concepts. International positions in Art Brut, such as the finger drawings of Swiss artist Louis Soutter, thus enter into a dialogue with objects painted by the American artist Mary T. Smith and
previously unexhibited works by August Walla. Textile sculptures by the Californian Judith Scott are juxtaposed with Stone Age tribal art from the highlands of New Guinea.
The quality of the 21st-century concept of art’s pluralism is illustrated by artifacts like the drawings scribbled on the mats the artists laid under their paper as they worked as well as palettes or the effects created using brushes or wiping while painting the walls. This image of contemporary art is rounded off by a monumental work of the Italian artist Simone Pellegrini, which was created specifically for the exhibition and is being shown together with a group of his printing surfaces.

Curator: Johann Feilacher

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