Jürgen Tauscher


Tauscher’s young, but already extensive body of work displays a draughtsmanship of enormously high quality. The artist primarily works in pencil, occasionally supplemented with colored pencils; boldly colorful works in wax crayon are rarer. Flying objects are Tauscher’s preferred motif. His depictions of helicopters, airplanes, combat jets, blimps, or the starship Enterprise (from the American science-fiction television series Star Trek) are generally placed in the middle of the paper. Tauscher’s images of aircraft reveal the occasional technical detail, depending on how opaquely or transparently he applies his drawing medium. His general interest in technology is also demonstrated by other motifs that have found their way into his artistic oeuvre: these include motorcycles and ships as well as houses that are somewhat reminiscent of architectural plans, but in a much more abstract form. Now and then, the individual images are also accompanied by text; much like his predecessor Johann Hauser, Tauscher copies words or individual letters from an existing source. These combinations of image and text also demonstrate Tauscher’s interest in trying out “new” things. Looking at Tauscher’s drawings, we get the sense that he constructs his works like a technician, and it is thus no surprise that he also builds flying objects in three-dimensional form.

Jürgen Tauscher was born in Vienna on June 29, 1974. He attended a special-education school and lived in various residential facilities. When he was ten years old, he went to live with his grandmother, who had previously cared for him during certain periods. In 1999 he moved into the St. Martin’s group home in Klosterneuburg, which is also where his artistic talent was discovered. In 2012, following his visits to the atelier gugging, Tauscher moved to the “House of Artists,” where he quickly gained public recognition as an artist. His unflagging drive has led him to create a very extensive oeuvre in a short period. A selection from it was already presented at the museum gugging in the 2018 exhibition brain feeling.! art from gugging from 1970 to the present. Tauscher is now also to be counted among the younger generation of Gugging Artists.

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