
Accessibility in the museum gugging

Accessibility in the museum gugging 

Entrance to the museumGround-level access through the main entrance. With a revolving door of 150 cm.
Entrance to the exhibition areaAccessible by elevator. We ask you to please proactively approach a museum employee to direct the elevator to the right floors for you.
Exhibition areaAccessibility to all exhibition areas is ensured.
RestroomsGround-level and barrier-free with special signage on each floor.
Café Bistro am Campus Ground-level and barrier-free access. If the incline at the entrance is too steep, it is possible to reach the Café Bistro am Campus at ground level via the ground-level Museum Shop.
Shop Ground-level access through the main entrance. With a revolving door of 150 cm.
Assistance/partner dogsCertified assistance dogs with ID are permitted in the museum.

The museum shop and museum entrance can be reached from the parking lot at ground level, but paving stones must be crossed. The barrier-free restroom is located to the right, and the elevator to access the exhibition is to the left. If you want to use the elevator, please let a member of the museum staff know. From this point on, you will be in the exhibition rooms, which are barrier-free and accessible. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +43 2243 87 087 or

Accessibility in the villa gugging

You can enter the villa gugging without thresholds or stairs by using the entrance on the right-hand side of the building. Then, you will be directly in the event space. From there, you will find two restrooms in the foyer, which are both barrier-free. Because there is a slope leading up to the building, it is recommended that you visit the villa with an accompanying person. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: +43 2243 87 087 or

Accessibility in the Exhibition Architecture

Ausstellungsansicht classic & contemporary UPDATE
Ausstellungsansicht classic & contemporary UPDATE © NÖ Museum Betriebs Gmbh, Foto: Theo Kust

Exhibition texts: Texts for rooms or sections are at a reading height of 100-160 cm, with an average reading height of 130 cm.

Hanging of the pictures: a selection of pictures are hung lower and at varying heights so that they can also be seen by children or people using a wheelchair. This has already been part of the art education concept for years.

Display cases are wheelchair-accessible (height: 85 cm) and care has been taken to purchase wall-display cases without struts or brackets so that wheelchairs at a height of up to at least 85 cm can pass under them.

Do you have any feedback, suggestions or comments about the exhibition architecture? 

Please contact the exhibition production team directly at

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